
Senin, 29 Oktober 2012


If you are persons who like and love art, you have to know batik... batik is an original art from Indonesia..
Batik Indonesianis a cloth that is traditionally made using a manual wax-resist dyeing technique.
Javanese traditional batik, especially from Yogyakarta and Surakarta, has notable meanings rooted to the Javanese conceptualization of the universe. Traditional colours include indigo, dark brown, and white, which represent the three major Hindu Gods (Brahmā, Vishnu, and Śiva). This is related to the fact that natural dyes are most commonly available in indigo and brown. Certain patterns can only be worn by nobility; traditionally, wider stripes or wavy lines of greater width indicated higher rank. Consequently, during Javanese ceremonies, one could determine the royal lineage of a person by the cloth he or she was wearing.
Other regions of Indonesia have their own unique patterns that normally take themes from everyday lives, incorporating patterns such as flowers, nature, animals, folklore or people. The colours of pesisir batik, from the coastal cities of northern Java, is especially vibrant, and it absorbs influence from the Javanese, Arab, Chinese and Dutch cultures. In the colonial times pesisir batik was a favourite of the Peranakan Chinese, Dutch and Eurasians.

If you already know all carnivals, and all kind the clothes they wear, but do you know what is Batik Carnival? you have a sense of fashion from futuristic to glamor but you haven't see this Batik Carnival in Indonesia

Singapura Berbinar oleh Karnival Batik
Solo Batik

This is my friend rosyid
This is Leonardo ^^


This is Osadana

This is all photos from my school anniversary that is the crew who make the Batik costume.. but special thanks to Mbak Prita, Bu Endang, Mas barbara, Mas Udin, Mas Sholeh, Bernard, and Abdul and other people.. thank you.. hehe.. see.. batik is very unique art... if you want to study batik you will got many new experience..

Jumat, 26 Oktober 2012


Wotagei? ada yang pernah denger gak sih wotegei tu apa?

Wotagei (ヲタげ) atau otagei (オタ芸, オタげい)adalah sorakan atau gerakan tari khas yang dilakukan oleh penggemar ketika menonton konser-konser idola Jepang.
Wotagei adalah bentuk memberikan dukungan dalam acara-acara yang dilangsungkan oleh idola atau seiyu.Kata wotagei atau otagei merupakan singkatan dari aidoru [w]otaku no gei (gei berarti seni).
Melakukan wotagei disebut utsu (打つ). Ada beberapa jenis gerakan wotagei. Bertepuk tangan menurut irama di atas kepala sambil melompat di tempat menghadap ke kiri dan kanan, berputar-putar disebut mawari (マワリ). Kedua belah lengan diacungkan ke atas dan siku ditarik ke dalam berulang-ulang disebut romansu (ロマンス). Bertepuk tangan tiga kali prok, prok, prok, lalu bersorak hyuu... disebut PPPH. Ada pula gerakan yang inspirasinya berasal dari tari kecak di Bali. Pada gerakan yang disebut kecak, sambil postur tubuh direndahkan, kedua belah lengan diangkat dan ditarik secara berulang-ulang ke depan ke arah idola di panggung.

 Inilah cara para fans AKB 48 dan JKT 48 menunjukan dukungan mereka... dengan cara yang W O W gitu deh... walaupun sederhana tetap aja menarik perhatian kita .. liat video nie...

Gimana? keren kan? gimana wotagei kamu untuk idola loe loe ?? hhhe


Gila men... gue tuh hari kamis kemaren liat tuh video keren abis....!!! kalian udah pada tau TRON DANCE belom ya? haha... keren bgt.. laptop temen gue sampe di rubung orang se kelas... mau tau gak gmana menakjubkannya TRON DANCE???!! liat nie video.. di Indonesia udah ada yang bikin beginian blon ya?
Loe dah liat belom videonya? kalo belom liat dlu aja deh.. kalo perlu di download nie... pertama gue liat ini ... sumpah deh,, kaget bgt bgus bgt.. gue mungkin lebay.. tp menurut loe loe gmana ??? hahaha


Gangnam style is very popular lately.. haha Yeah I Like gangnam style too.. but do you know what the meaning of gangnam style is? there a story behind gangnam style..

"Gangnam Style" is a Korean neologism that refers to a lifestyle associated with the Gangnam district of Seoul,where people are trendy, hip and exude a certain supposed "class". The term was listed in Time's weekly vocabulary list as a manner associated with lavish lifestyles in Seoul's Gangnam district. PSY likened the Gangnam District to Beverly Hills, California, and said in an interview that he intended a twisted sense of humor by claiming himself to be "Gangnam Style" when everything about the song, dance, looks, and the music video is far from being such a high class.
People who are actually from Gangnam never proclaim that they are it's only the posers and wannabes that put on these airs and say that they are "Gangnam Style"—so this song is actually poking fun at those kinds of people who are trying so hard to be something that they're not.
The song talks about "the perfect girlfriend who knows when to be refined and when to get wild." The song's refrain "오빤 강남 스타일 (Oppan Gangnam style)" has been translated as "Big brother is Gangnam style", with PSY referring to himself "Oppa", a Korean expression used by females to refer to an older male friend or older brother, is also used by K-Pop fans to address their K-Pop idols.
During an interview with The New York Times, PSY revealed that the Korean fans have huge expectations about his dancing, so he felt a lot of pressure. In order to keep up with expectations, he studied hard to find something new and stayed up late for about 30 nights to come up with the "Gangnam Style" dance. Along the way, he had tested various "cheesy" animal-inspired dance moves with his choreographer, including panda and kangaroo moves, before settling for the horse trot, which involves pretending to ride a horse, alternately holding the reins and spinning a lasso, and moving into a legs-shuffling side gallop.

 there are gangnam style all over the world.. so why you like gangnam style..? ^^ 

 That is my school friends dansing gangnam style.. the one that wear yellow shirt and black hat is the master of gangnam style in my school.. his name is Fahmi.. hehehe
 We dance gangnam style very happy.. i fact that is in my school anniversary , we know that fahmi will go out and do gangnam style its very funny we all surprised..but the entire student  in the school is dance gangnam too.. hahaha


Do you know about capoeira?

Capoeira's history probably begins with the adoption of African slavery by Portuguese colonists in Brazil. Since the 16th century, Portugal extensively adopted slavery to man their colonies, coming mainly from West and Central Africa. Brazil, with its vast territory, was the major destination of African slaves, receiving 38.5% of all slaves sent by ships across the Atlantic Ocean.
Capoeira has a long and controversial history, since historical documentation in Brazil was very scarce in its colonial times. Evidences, studies and oral tradition leave little doubt about its Brazilian roots, but it is impossible to precisely identify the exact Brazilian region or time it began to take form.


 Me ( pink jacket ) and my friend Nindya ( blue shirt)

 This is my capoeira teacher .. that he was doing is just the basic not the outstanding move

I like capoeira because we can learn dance move and fighting move.. Capoeira is great so just learn it ... and you won't be regret it


See.. this is my creation just like characters in NARUTO right? but this is pure own hand making... well I like anime.. so I draw this when I was 10 ^^ It still an ugly drawing.. This character I draw because I like naruto that year,, yeah I like to play with my imagination to make Yuki come to live just like in the movie, but this movie is playing in my mind ,,, Silly right! but,, that is my story for this picture..

* Your Imagination is Your own World but Don't you Trap inside it*

Rabu, 24 Oktober 2012


Ini gue.. Anak kelas XI IPS di SMA N 1 Boyolali , Lahir tanggan 15 Januari 1996.. Loe tau kenapa gue mampang foto gue di sini? Karena ini tugas sekolah untuk nge post di blog... ya udah gue sambil nyari ide nge post foto gue di sini dlu.. Tapi akan banyak someting yang menarik di sini jadi Don't Worry Be Happy aje...